Thursday, August 21, 2008

How am I going to get through this???

I knew a few days before school recessed last semester that I, and a few others, had been selected to participate in a cadaver class. There were only 8 of 50 individuals, who signed up, selected. This would be a once in a life-time opportunity for me and I couldn't pass that up. Needless to say, when my name was picked, it felt like i had just won the lottery. Through the summer, the cadaver class was on my mind. I was very excited; however, the second I walked into the cadaver lab today the elation of it all vastly disappeared. As my instructor was showing us the room and pulling out all the different tools we would be using, my eyes drifted to the giant freezer in the middle of the room. I think we all know what was inside there. The body came out, we unzipped the body bag, cut away the mummy wrapped gauze and exposed the body. The reality hit me that I was supposed to cut open this poor dead man and I haven't been able to come to terms with this yet. It's one thing to talk about doing something like this and another thing entirely to actually be there seeing Adam (that's what we named him) and cutting open his body. Does anyone have any comforting thoughts or motivational speeches, because I am feeling very unsure of all this now. I don't want to lose this once in a life-time chance and I am not one to give up, and I know I will end up enjoying it, but in the mean time...HELP!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

This week we started back up to our busy and crazy family life style. As of August 18th, my wonderful relaxing summer, being home with the children, is once again over. I started yet another semester at the college, which means my whole little clan is in school. The kids started their first day at the Child Development Center on campus. I love that they're school is so close; this makes the guilt of leaving them a little easier to bear especially sense they love to be there. I've decided to only take two classes this semester due to wanting to be able to balance being a full time mom and wife, with my dear husband in the Masters program. The classes I'm taking are physiology and a cadaver class. I'm enjoying these classes and I hope to tell you some exciting stories about my cadaver, once we start cutting her/him open. Hopefully none of the stories are about me or Jodi fainting. We'll see how it goes.

Monday, August 4, 2008

That was Easy!!

Hello everyone who cares to hear from us!! I have been wanting to do this for a while, but I was always afraid of the time we would need to put forth to keep it managed...well, time is still not ours, but the sense of urgency has become overwhelming. Let us just start off by telling all of our family and friends that WE LOVE EACH & EVERY ONE OF YOU!! Did you get that message, did it come through clear enough? ;-)
Well, due to the time, I will leave each of you to this short message of love and sign off until next time. Thank you for the years of love and support. May there be more and more to come!!